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Spamdyke Control Panel - Changelog
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Version 4.1
Full Plesk Onyx 17.x support

Version 4.0.2

Performance Update and DNSBL/WL Sources Update

Version 4.0.1

Bugfix Abusemail not sending after upgrade to 4.0

Version 4.0
Full redesigned GUI with responsive integration. Compatibility to Plesk < 10 removed

Version 3.7

Reseller can grant access to domain rights

Version 3.6
Spamassassin integration and "white page" fix

Version 3.5
Expiry date of white/blacklists added

Version 3.2.1
Recipient mailbox information can be viewed

Version 3.1.1
Security issue fix. Reseller were able to see the administration!!

Version 3.1
Plesk 12 integration

Version 3.0.1
Bugfix serverwide white/blacklists for Plesk 11 and higher

Version 3.0.0
Major-Update for Spamdyke 5

Version 2.9.7
Plesk 11.5.x fix while updating via Multi-Domain-Rights

Version 2.9.6
Fixes for Plesk 11.5.x

Version 2.9.5
Max. number of recipients feature and extended help of the header content
filter/blackkist feature added

Version 2.9.2
DNS Righthand-side blacklists support enabled and link to
included to get the latest black- and whitelists.

Version 2.9.1
Improvement of the mail analysis

Version 2.9
Analyze mail communication to show the mail processing of qmail

Version 2.7
Quicklink integration in the left Menu of the Plesk Panel for the admin

Version 2.6.2
Bugfix that no one execpt the admin can access the SCP

Version 2.6.1
Bugfix if a additional domain user in Plesk 10 try to use the SCP

Version 2.6
Integration of the event handler in Plesk 10.x and implementation of the 
header-flag backlist of spamdyke 4.3.1. To use it add this line to spamdyke.conf:

Version 2.5.1
View fix for Plesk 10.4.x

Version 2.5
Rights managements impoved. Event handler for defaults rights added. Default
rights for a domain can be defined. These rights will automatically set for
a new domain which is created with Plesk.

Version 2.4.6
Bugfix for Plesk 10. Wrong CSS implementation!

Version 2.4.5

Some fixes for plesk 10 and possibility to disable the fullscreen notice

Version 2.4.4
Fullscreenmode for Plesk 10 use added.

Version 2.4.3
Implementation for Plesk Version 10.1.1 and higher so use the FUM without
the HaggybearController. Custombutton path is like in Plesk 9. (e.g. /scp2/index.php)

Version 2.4.2
Bugfix Tokenview in file version

Version 2.4.1
SuperToken for remote access added to get server overview

Version 2.4
Remote access added to read the scp details via xml

Version 2.3.7
New parameter added which is only supported by spamdyke 4.1.0. The
used version of spamdyke will checked!

Version 2.3.6
Bug in filter for only existing adresses fixed. Now are the email aliasses
working as well. Flattr-Button added and online version check improved.
If you don't like the Flattr Button, it can be disabled in the!!

Version 2.3.5
New Filter added for viewing only existing recipient addresses. Thanks to Daniel
Schättgen for the idea and basic implementation.

Version 2.3.4
DNS-Whitelist management added. Very important when greylisting is in use!

Version 2.3.3

A graphical view of the TOP5-Stats added. Just as an eyecatcher

Version 2.3.2
Automatic abuse function for admin to inform the webmaster of the spamming server.
The template for the generated mail can be edited in the administration.

Version 2.3.1
Datefix for SuSE-Systems. More flags added, and the live country detection
can be enabled/disabled by the admin. In the the new parameter
WHOIS_DETECT has beed added. This is for the dailyreport in which way the
country will be detected.

Version 2.3
Speeded up the country detection of the statistics and added a live country detection to the view

Version 2.2

The RDNS-Backlist has been added to the overview and list-settings.
If you want to use this feature you have to put the path into your
spamdyke.conf and create the file within the folder:
touch "/var/qmail/spamdyke/blacklist_rdns"
put into spamdyke.conf -> "rdns-blacklist-file=/var/qmail/spamdyke/blacklist_rdns"
After that you have to readd the rights of rdns to your users (disable/enable)

Version 2.1
Filter settings improved. All filters staying active until they are resetted by the user

Version 2.1
IP-Whois in statistics and daily report improved.

Version 2.1
Global White/Blacklist bug fixed. RDNS-Name country detection and IP-Whois within statistics added.

Version 2.1.1

Plesk 9 Fix for 'Level Up' and wrong view with other installed addons.

Version 2.1
New white/blacklist management. Domain specific lists are possible.

Version 2.0.3

IP search fix within detail-layer.Multi-domain-rights function added to deativate or activate all methods for one domain or all domains for one method.

Version 2.0.2
IP search fix in MySQL version. User view fixed openening settings and filterbar. Directionview in adminview corrected!

Version 2.0.1
Bugfix in TOP-Stat view in File-Version

Version 2.0.0
First public release


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