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Update of the GLM. The fullscreen mode known from the SCP is now available in the GLM. And the GLM is now also available in polish. Thanks to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  for the translation.


A multi update caused by wrong CSS implementation on Plesk 10.x.x

  • to Greylisting Manager 1.2.5
  • to Spamdyke Control Panel 2.4.6
  • to Sub & Domain Manager 1.9.1
  • to FTP User Manager 1.6.2


Bugfix of personal white-/blacklists fixed and new jQuery 1.4.2 embedded.

This update fixes a lot of bugs for plesk 10 and enables the possibility to disable the fullscreen notice until the end of the current session.

Bugfix for the GLM. In some cases on Plesk 9/10 the IP-Info and the statistics are not shown. This update fixes that problem.

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