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Bugfix for Plesk 9.x to render the table correctly.


It's out! The GLM2. Complete new GUI with full ajax support. The statistic was also improved. Th autoupdate from version 1.x to 2.0 is NOT possible. The installation must be done manually.


Better integration of spamdyke 4.3.1. This version supports the header-flag keyword blacklist of spamdyke. To use the blacklist the following entry must be set in the spamdyke.conf:


Important: This blacklist is supported since spamdyke 4.3.1 if you set the entry on a lower version of spamdyke will not run anymore.

The Plesk Event-Handler was also improved.




This updates fix the bug that customers can't use the FUM with Plesk 10.


This update fix a layout bug which causes since Plesk 10.4.

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